Friday, August 24, 2012

Episode 7: Möbius Dick

Mike's on vacation, so Steve filled in by himself.  The result?  A really pathetic podcast...but don't worry, it's not 30 minutes long.  It's more of a filler episode, but there's still some neat information contained inside.  Have a listen!

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Futurama-Chrono Trigger Mashups (Geekosystem)

Electronic Voting Machines Elect Bender to School Board (Geekosystem)

Music Credits
Mobius Dick - Robosexual

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Episode 6: The 3004 Olympiad

Mike & Steve take advantage of the 2012 London Summer Games to talk about the Season 4 episode "Bend Her".  Please excuse any audio issues - we're still fiddling with the levels on our new sound mixing board.

Ultra-Realistic 'Futurama' Art is the Best Kind of Nightmare Fuel (Uproxx)

The Fry Meme (Know Your Meme)

The Olympic Rings (Wikipedia)

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Featured Music in the podcast:
Brave Combo - The Hokey Pokey